Guests scan a QR code, which leads to a web portal where they can browse quick-service items such as cans of beer, soft drinks, or packets of crisps.
Guests choose items, order, and pay using a choice of payment methods, including Apple Pay and Google Pay. Once the order is processed, a QR code is generated.
Guests collect the order from the bar or collection point, identifying themselves via the QR code on their phones.
Input menu items quickly and easily. Manage the whole process through the same piece of hardware you use for standard in-person orders, which comes with a built-in QR code scanner. Train your staff with the support of NOQ.
Only ever display what’s available with automatic updates to both your stock and online menu.
Boost your sales with trained, commission-based sales reps to raise awareness and encourage uptake.
Get to know your customers better by capturing valuable behavioural data via their interaction with the web portal or app.